@WorldViewM Talks on Real Solutions to Water Crisis in Africa


HOSTS: Ayshah Mshe, Ben Maiyo, Melissa Sikosana
GUESTS: AbdulAziz Omar, Olumide Idowu, Alie Eleveld|

Foreign aid organizations and African Governments constantly struggle in various degrees to find long-term solutions to address the water crisis in Africa. The government’s receptiveness to any outside aid and favorable conditions in the economy made it propitious to innumerable NGOs, international organizations and social businesses to attempt to alleviate the issue. Are these external pursuits only patching holes or are they contributing to a brighter future? The question on many people’s mind is does outside aid offer a true water crisis solution in Africa or mask a deeper problem? If real progress is being made, why does the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) expectation analysis forecast that the majority of the countries in Africa are expected to experience extreme water stress by 2025?

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Olumide Idowu | WorldView Mission | Social Media Director | Real Solutions to Water Crisis in Africa

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